Technology Tip of the Week: Kidblog
Kidblog is a safe, secure way for students to publish their thoughts, questions, or writing online. The great thing about online publishing is that students can show their teacher and other classmates what they are thinking or wondering. Even better is that everyone who is part of the blog can comment back to the person making the post. So it is very quick and easy to get feedback from others to help answer questions or shape thinking.
For teachers, Kidblog can be a great way to get students thinking about something before it is taught, collect thoughts and questions during instruction, or get exit ticket thoughts as students wrap up their studies. Kidblog also allows for anytime/anywhere access and learning. Teachers can stay connected with students as they move through postings and make any necessary adjustments to the learning taking place.
Birdville ISD has recently purchased access to Kidblog. If you currently have a Kidblog account or are new to Kidblog, these instructions will get you going! Your campus DLS is eager to help at any step of the process Email them with any questions!
Click the link for more on what Kidlblog can do for you and your students: Why Kidblog?
Kidblog is a safe, secure way for students to publish their thoughts, questions, or writing online. The great thing about online publishing is that students can show their teacher and other classmates what they are thinking or wondering. Even better is that everyone who is part of the blog can comment back to the person making the post. So it is very quick and easy to get feedback from others to help answer questions or shape thinking.
For teachers, Kidblog can be a great way to get students thinking about something before it is taught, collect thoughts and questions during instruction, or get exit ticket thoughts as students wrap up their studies. Kidblog also allows for anytime/anywhere access and learning. Teachers can stay connected with students as they move through postings and make any necessary adjustments to the learning taking place.
Click the link for more on what Kidlblog can do for you and your students: Why Kidblog?
What others say/think about blogging:
Integration Ideas:
Kidblog is a great resource to use in all core content areas...and beyond. Here are a few ideas:
- Gather student knowledge prior to focused instruction
- Gather formative assessment data throughout the lesson/adjust instruction
- Students comment at the end of instruction to show what they know.
- Blog postings as 'Exit Tickets'
- Students post writing samples and receive feedback from classmates/teacher
- Blog between classes within the school/district
- Blog about Science experiments to record data/make predictions
- Blog about current events
- Students post blogs explaining steps to solve math problems
Integration Ideas:
Kidblog is a great resource to use in all core content areas...and beyond. Here are a few ideas:
- Gather student knowledge prior to focused instruction
- Gather formative assessment data throughout the lesson/adjust instruction
- Students comment at the end of instruction to show what they know.
- Blog postings as 'Exit Tickets'
- Students post writing samples and receive feedback from classmates/teacher
- Blog between classes within the school/district
- Blog about Science experiments to record data/make predictions
- Blog about current events
- Students post blogs explaining steps to solve math problems