Kidblog is a safe, secure way for students to publish their thoughts, questions, or writing online. The great thing about online publishing is that students can show their teacher and other classmates what they are thinking or wondering. Even better is that everyone who is part of the blog can comment back to the person making the post. So it is very quick and easy to get feedback from others to help answer questions or shape thinking.
For teachers, Kidblog can be a great way to get students thinking about something before it is taught, collect thoughts and questions during instruction, or get exit ticket thoughts as students wrap up their studies. Kidblog also allows for anytime/anywhere access and learning. Teachers can stay connected with students as they move through postings and make any necessary adjustments to the learning taking place.
Click the link for more on what Kidlblog can do for you and your students: Why Kidblog?
EduTyping is a web based application designed for teaching keyboarding in grades K-5 and can be accessed from any Internet-ready computer. Curriculum includes Course Lessons, Reinforcement, Timed Writings, and In the News. Click here to see directions for getting started with EduTyping.
Reflector 2
Reflector 2 is software you can have on your teacher computer that will allow you to display your iPad using your projector.
Wirelessly displaying your iPad on the projector will allow you to move around your classroom while:
- Showing students how to work a problem by using a whiteboard app like ShowMe (see below)
- Demonstrate to students how to use an app
- Display student projects from an iPad on the projector for the class to see
Note: In order to use Reflector 2, your iPads must be updated to at least iOS 9.
Reflector 2 Support: