Monday, November 28, 2016

Google Forms

Google Forms are a great way to survey an audience, collect information, and even create assessments.  They are simple to create!  Here are some ways you can use Google Forms in your classroom:

  • Create a survey for students to get feedback on classroom learning or routines.
  • Create a survey for parents to get feedback about classroom communication.
  • Create a parent information form and collect information (name, phone number, email address, etc) digitally.
  • Create a form for students to fill out to give feedback during class presentations.
  • Create a reflection form for students to fill out at the end of a lesson.
  • Create a form to use as an exit ticket.
  • Create a quiz
The new quiz feature in Google Forms allows teachers to turn a form into a quiz & create an answer key.  The students can see their grade/results as soon as they have submitted the form.  The form will grade the assessment for you!

For more information about Google Forms, check out these resources:

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Reflector 2 & ShowMe

Reflector 2 is software you can have on your teacher computer that will allow you to display your iPad using your projector.  

Wirelessly displaying your iPad on the projector will allow you to move around your classroom while:
  • Showing students how to work a problem by using a whiteboard app like ShowMe (see below)
  • Demonstrate to students how to use an app
  • Display student projects from an iPad on the projector for the class to see
Note: In order to use Reflector 2, your iPads must be updated to at least iOS 9.

Reflector 2 Support:

App Store Link:

  • ShowMe is a simple to use whiteboard app.  You can insert pictures and annotate/draw on top of them.  ShowMe also has a recording feature, where you can record what you're doing on the screen while also explaining with your voice.  The videos are saved for free on the ShowMe website 



Monday, November 7, 2016

BISD G Suite for Education Accounts

BISD has gone Google!  We are a G Suite for Education district.  This means all BISD staff members have special Google accounts that can be used to access Google Drive, Google Classroom, and even YouTube! In addition, our 3rd-5th grade students have G Suite accounts to access Google Drive, Google Classroom, and even Gmail!  Please explore the information and resources in this blogpost to learn more about G Suite and how you can begin using it with your campus, team, and students!

Staff Google Account Information

Staff Google accounts are created at the time their district login account is created. You can log on to your G Suite account by visiting The username for staff is Your password is the same as your computer password. Google passwords sync with our computer passwords. If you change your computer password for any reason, your Google password will change too. Staff can access more information about using Google by visiting the BISD Knowledge Base.

Student Google Account Information

Grade 3-12 Student Google accounts are created at the time their district login account is created.  Students can log on to their G Suite account by visiting Students use their birthday as their password: mmddyyyy (no spaces, no slashes, no dashes. The usernames for students can be seen here:

G Suite Account Benefits

  • Use Google Drive to store all of your important documents and access them anywhere you have internet on any device!
  • Create shared folders in Google Drive to save and share documents with your students, team, or campus!
  • Use Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides (inside Google Drive) to create collaborative documents where everyone can edit at the same time and the work is saved automatically!
  • Exclusive access to Google Classroom (a digital classroom for you and your students).  Google Classroom is only available through our G Suite accounts.


If you would like help getting started with Google, please email your Digital Learning Specialist!