Monday, November 28, 2016

Google Forms

Google Forms are a great way to survey an audience, collect information, and even create assessments.  They are simple to create!  Here are some ways you can use Google Forms in your classroom:

  • Create a survey for students to get feedback on classroom learning or routines.
  • Create a survey for parents to get feedback about classroom communication.
  • Create a parent information form and collect information (name, phone number, email address, etc) digitally.
  • Create a form for students to fill out to give feedback during class presentations.
  • Create a reflection form for students to fill out at the end of a lesson.
  • Create a form to use as an exit ticket.
  • Create a quiz
The new quiz feature in Google Forms allows teachers to turn a form into a quiz & create an answer key.  The students can see their grade/results as soon as they have submitted the form.  The form will grade the assessment for you!

For more information about Google Forms, check out these resources:

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